Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Visual Puns

Pizza Me (Piece of Me)
Jar Head

Black And White Color

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Photos and Texture

The picture above is of a fire place, the three textures I used were a crack in the wooden floor, a pine tree, and a brick wall. I used the fire place as my original back ground and added the other images as layers and lowered the opacity of them so you could vaguely see the fireplace.  

 In this picture I used a different back ground. A snowy picture the outside of where I work. I used the pine tree as a layer in this one because of the theme, my second layer was a pine cone, this was all part of a specific theme I was going for.
The background used in this picture was of a street in NYC that I had taken in December. The layers used here were clouds from the plane, which gives it the white foggy look and then again I used the tree and the pine cone because for me this represented my favorite place to visit mixed with something that reminded me of home. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Impact of Photoshop

Being a self taught photographer, photoshop was very difficult for me to catch on to and understand. This is one of my first images I had ever attempted to create on photoshop and it is rough around the edges but I am also proud to see the progress that I have made and am excited to see the progress I continue to make. I think that photoshop affect society in many different ways being positive and negative. Celebrities use photoshop to portray an image and lifestyle that is almost impossible for everyday people to accomplish. Girls in today's society and really people in general try to make themselves look like something they are not because society portrays this image. However, for photography use and creativity, photoshop provides an amazing platform for people to create an image to enjoy for them selves or for others. I love the creative freedom that photoshop gives its users.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Blog 2- Dreams

The picture posted is a picture that I had drew up and then edited on a computer to represent what I initially think of when I think of dreams. Something that can be all over the place and make no sense at all.
Dreams are a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. Most of the time we have no idea why we dream what we dream or what they even mean because they can be all over the place without and sequence or story line. I believe that sometimes dreams are our subconscious minds revealing things to us. I definitely believe that our dreams can sometimes be a coincidence. Also believe that when someone has deja vu, that it is a flashback memory from a previous dream.
